Hi everyone! Today I’m taking you inside our living room to show you how we refresh our decor for spring…without breaking the bank, or requiring much in the way of storage. Some designers fully swap their decor with each season, and while I have nothing against that, it’s not always practical if storage, funds or time is limited.
But there is a simple joy that comes with marking the season, and in mixing up your surroundings a couple times a year.
So here are 6 simple steps to welcome spring into your space today!
Enjoy the process by setting the mood! Light a floral candle, crack a window, put on your fav tracks and let’s bring on spring both internally and externally!
Dust surfaces, from top to bottom, starting with your pendants, curtain rods, and moving down to shelving, tv, mantel, lamp shades, and table tops.
Remove couch cushions, vacuum all runaways hiding beneath, and plump and flip each cushion, so your couch won’t wear faster than it needs to.
Plump/rotate throw pillows and blankets, and shake out/air out/wash what needs some extra care.
Now that you’ve got a fresh foundation, feel free to swap darker, heavier fabrics for lighter options. Think throw pillows or blankets. For example, in theory I should have swapped out my plaid wool blanket, for something lighter in material and perhaps a more organic pattern. But I didn’t because I just really love that blanket there! However, I did swap out a couple of pillow covers in a mauve stripe and floral patterns, and that made a huge difference! Now, there is a similar colour in my rug, so bear in mind, that what makes visual sense in one room, may not make sense everywhere. Consider your colour palette and work within it when bringing in new colours.
Emily Henderson
I didn’t change anything in the cabinets (aside from adding a little ceramic bunny that the kids made me buy! Call me the Easter Scrooge, but I’m just not that into decorating with bunnies, chicks and eggs, but prefer an overall spring spruce up instead.
So there you go, a spring refresh that didn’t break the bank, but marks a very welcomed change of season. One of my favorite things about interior design is that you can feel the difference when you make improvements to a space you spend so much time in. Lighter, happier, mentally and physically open to what’s next.
If you’d like to shop my living room, check out our LTK shop, linked here!
If you’d like a hand in refreshing for spring, book me to “shop your home” and use what you have for a fresh take this season!
You can check out some of our packages online, or book a chat with me to discuss your decor needs!
Thanks for reading, and I hope you feel amazing in the place you dwell!
Happy Spring!