Quality Control

Ok today’s blog post is a bit of a #PSA – we talk about home on this blog. We do most of our living in this space we call home. But here’s a little temperature check for us all – how is the quality of that living?

You know that delicious reading nook you decked out last year so you’d have a yummy place to go be alone and re-energize…has it been well used? Or does some guilt rise up when you think about sitting down there when there’s just. so. much. to. do.

As an Interior Design Professional this is what gets me pouring heart, mind and soul into every project…at Juxta Interior Design, we don’t just care about pretty things and an aesthetically pleasing home, we care about how you LIVE and FEEL and DO your life in those spaces.

So I’m here to ask a pretty pointed question today…if you’ll allow me the space. I think, I hope, it will help you to come home to yourself more often, and more meaningfully.

Putting on my old hat in Human Development, to ask you this Q:


Are you someone who’s natural programming is to believe that your worth and value is in direct correlation to what you produce? #guilty


Do you find yourself refusing yourself little luxuries, small moments of peace and celebration, because you’re in the middle of a very long, unfinished to-do list? Or perhaps you allow for some rest each day, but the yumminess-level of your me-time is dependent on how much you did and how well you did it?

I’ll Go First… This could show up in big or small things. For me, where I am seeing this ugly thinking rear up most clearly is actually in how I view time with my kids…I think to myself, “I don’t need to physically stop what I’m doing in order to listen to them when I have things that need to get done”. How twisted – to think of quality time with my family as too luxurious for me at the moment. Another example that you may relate to, is that I can catch myself in the thinking that I can’t institute phone boundaries because the idea of not working when I haven’t reached all my goals, I tell myself, is a luxury I can’t yet afford.
Thank God, that from just about from every angle lately, I am repeatedly being reminded of my value, apart from anyone else, apart from anything else, any titles, accomplishments, results, failures, successes, relationships, open ended to-do lists…just because I am me, I am a human, I was created and called beloved – no strings attached. YOUR PSA If you need the reminder today that you’re worthy to rest and feed your soul with the things you find joy doing, TODAY, EVERYDAY, not just later when you’re net worth is X, or when you don’t have a care in the world, or when you’re somehow more deserving than the human you are today. That’s busted. No more.
Go find your nook, grab your book/crocheting/art supplies/fav snack, and have a moment of pure luxury because YOU deserve it. And the secret of secrets is…you’ll find a more effortless way in times of producing in the end. #slowtogrow Thank you Phew that was a heavy one friends, thank you for being here. You are not alone. Practice coming home to you this week. It will impact your life massively. Just from making small tweaks in my thinking and behaviour in the past month, I’ve noticed a real difference, and it feels amazing. Trust this truth! Until next time, when I promise we will talk about something light like pillows and colour schemes 🙂 You’re amazing. Right now. Without changing a thing. A total miracle. Celebrate that about yourself, and the people around you, today. Meghan When you feel good in the place you dwell, you come alive.

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